Tuesday, October 7, 2008


life, or something like that.

it just hit me again how fragile life is.

a friend of a few friends just passed away and he's younger than i am..

makes me re-evaluate everything that means anything in my life

i've started to talk to my father again after falling out in my early teens.

i'm trying to fix my friendship with zan but the choices i make seem to pull us further apart.

i've got to fix me. i'm a jealous suspicious b*tch regarding isaac and i need to change that.

i've got to learn how to be more secure about us because this is not like my past. how long will i stay a prisoner to my own past that i cant even move towards the future, our future in confidence.

there are things in my past i would really love to change but by changing that i would change me and that wouldnt make me strong.

can i truly say i'm a strong person now?

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]