Friday, April 4, 2008

the sexy schoolgirl

something happened. and until its something out in the open, i'm afraid i cant say anything about it. but remind me again sometime bah! you all know i'll blog about it when things settle down.

on a little more gossipy scale.. between a couple of people, we have this drama we like to call 'the UC' sort of like in butt honour of the OC.

and i think it suits it.

bitchy. drama. scandals.

and if you think that the UC sounds familiar. it stands for University College.

there are too many gossipy things that i'd love to share here (maybe i could be a modern day 'gossip girl') but hey, even i have secrets
(that i share with people who ask nicely)

i'd say, lets start with gossip as of last year but then, i have a damn conscience.

funny seeing that i'd feel more guilty bloggin about it than to just 'tell' someone about it.


maybe because then i'd get to control the extend of my firespreading ways.


i might head down to christchurch mid year to ski.. but lets see how my second fund raising trip will go.


mum cut her hair into a pob and i think she looks cute :)

about damn time you got a change~!


go forth and reproduce while i lie at home finishing my second/third? anita blake book of the day.

of the day people!

go shag~

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]