Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Passionate kiss like spider's web - soon lead to undoing of fly"

so guys, these are the final peices that i'll be buying from charming pieces :)

L7 (although i am looking at different coloured crystals so that it doesnt clash with the one below) and yes, this is the same as L1 except for the changed toggle.L11 (will have different chain) its so 'my fair lady' I LIKE IT!
so guys, (god, i love the vote thing) thanks for your input on the bracelet :)

this is the reason why women dont get their orgasms as much as men. even in university text books, they imply that its not necessary (okay, maybe i'm reading a little too in between the lines)

okayokay, enough crap for one day, no?

pffft as if!

last night zeke stayed over after a day of 'we gotta try to study' because i had to get my eyes checked and make new glasses.

the appointment was at 9.30am and there was no way in hell i was gonna be able to wake up..

so i thought, you know, zeke would be a handy alarm clock.


you know the rest.

we woke up at 5 to 9.30am and ran for the next train (9.33am) and hopped on and ran about box hill trying to locate OPSM.

stupid idiots who kept giving me wrong directions! it took my 15 minutes to locate the store in the end and i missed my appointment.

did you know that there are 6 different spec. shops in boxhill (5 of which are in centro?)

why do you need so many of the same things to confuse people?!

so whatever,

i missed it and made an appointment elsewhere.

got my eyes checked and it turns out that my left eye has no more astigmatism!


so then came the difficult part.

choosing the glasses.

in the end it was a decision between these

and this (but in the end this didnt even stand a chance)
or this.
so.. i spent a really long time there trying to decide whether to pay..
  • $0 (completely covered by medicare) for some brandless pair..


  • $295 for miu miu glasses ( original price $520)
guess which one i ended up buying?

on a more serious note,

my condolences to the family and friends of william. :(

i'm sorry..

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]