Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentine's day <3

..and it truly isnt.

having said that..

there's this whole other complicating thing going on right now;

should i move in with him?

i want to, that's not a doubt but then there's the whole issue of everything else..

forget about rent, forget about the financial because that's not a problem anymore even if i wont be getting an 'allowance' anymore

i guess, the biggest concern i have is.. what if we break up, what would it be like then.

i just dont want to have my parents point a finger and say, "see la, never listen to us" meaning.. "hah! we have tasted more salt than you have rice and therefore we are right, of course we are right"

sigh, they do have a point. this relationship is still pretty young.. but how do you explain that you just know its something that wont end that easily, neither would it end anytime soon?


happy valentine's day my everything,
i love you..
(like monkeys love bananas ;p)

i cant wait for the many more valentine's days that are to come..
..because i'll be spending them with you.

you've managed to show me so many things;
things i havent been able to see.
you give me sight.
you taught me how to believe..
.. and how to trust.
how to have faith in someone else..
to have faith in myself.
you showed me how to let myself go emotionally..
you taught me that its alright to love.

i cant wait to spend 'valentine's day' with you when you get back here.

with love,

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]