Wednesday, March 19, 2008

almost.two.thousand. *updated*

i just realized if i count up all the posts i've made on blog(s), the figure is quite very impressive.

i'm glad i've grown so much since then.


you know how i talked about the two month jitters that i used to get?

a couple of days ago (i think it was monday) i got the jitters come raining down on my parade.

guys, dont get me wrong here and start assuming i'm going to hurt the one guy i'd take bullets while walking on fire for.

on monday, after my little mini shopping trip, zik and i were walking at melbourne central when we came across jay walker art .

guys, jay walker is an amazing artist. his artwork is hip and drool worthy but definitely not in the mona lisa way.

i'm sure teens wouldnt want mona lisa staring back at them on their walls (even if the price is out of a regular teen's wallet capacity) .

but anyway, jay walker is like a graffiti artist on canvas.

zik and i love his pieces and have been contemplating getting him to design a piece for us since ages.

but on monday when we were there right in front of jay, hearing the price of the dream piece. it just made me.. suddenly want to screech stop!

its going to be a really lovely piece.. but the price!

even if zik and i want to always be together, the idea of forking out $300 apiece for a contemporary artistic graffiti piece with our names incorporated in just made me want to scream, run and hide underneath, ironically, isaac's blanket.

am i somewhat scared that i'm going to be investing quite a butt load amount of money on something that we plan on making last but somehow might just not to?


i know what i want to in my heart.. but my head wants me to know it knows 'better'..

if my mom can accept and see us going that far, why cant my bloody brain?

and trust me, my mum does not give in easy.

if she's come to terms.. i would have already heard whatever you're going to tell me about how young i am and how i shouldnt decide yet and that i have a whole life ahead of me and i should take one day at a time and whatever rubbish you want to tell me.

sometimes, its just possible to just know something.

ugh. now i'm just hoping, (heart knowing, brain's rolling his eyes), that one day, this wont come and bite me in the ass.

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]