Sunday, November 30, 2008

i'm afraid to press anything else

after 'getting' shan's present, zeke and i went over to take a look at the display at myer

you know how every year they have different decorations at myer?

this year was all about santa really works - 'he' does have to go to school and such (which i thought was an adorable [and plausible] idea - come on! santa doesnt live forever and how would he be able to get presents to everyone in the world without some help? -lets just ignore the fact that rudolf doesnt even exist )

anyway, today yin and i went out for a little bit of shopping..

starting at melbourne central, stopping at a quaint little sushi place for lunch and then heading over to the basement..

then we went to supre and i bought NOTHING even though i partially fell in love with this maxi dress.
but it didnt look flattering (maybe because its a size too big and i've put on weight =.=" )

and i also tried on this top
but why state the obvious?

then we headed down to ze ligerie shop to buy lingerie and this is the pile of stuff i tried on (or tried to try on with my limited time frame)
i left the shop with 3 vavavoom bras :)

and then we headed to cotton on to try the gladiator sandals and i couldnt decide which one to get.

dont judge me. i forgot to paint the other leg because i got distracted and then forgot and you should get the point.
didnt end up getting either because i really couldnt decide.

random pictures from ages ago :)

zeke when we were at hanhdorf (chocolate shop)
my hot chocolate at choclatte (camberwell)
so pretty <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">my red headed devil
my blue haired sweetie

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]