Friday, January 4, 2008

punctured all over

omigod my internet is so slow i want to take a knife and stab myself.

maybe i've overused, over abused it in the past few days.


so clever, right?

there's only 4 1/2 days before i trade melbourne's scorching sun for singapore's sunny humidity and i cant wait!

but my nerves are everywhere

i've never been so close to any guy before and i reckon to meet his parents (we all know lynn gets jittery about meeting FRIENDS parents so imagine a BOYFRIENDS..) is a pretty big deal.

wont there be a little more pressure if you're gonna stay under their roof while you're there?

i have a ring

i think that might bug them.

i have another ring.. in. my. navel.

yet another bug worthy thing.

i have yet another stud on the tragus .

does anyone who isnt a piercing freak or a doctor even know which part of the body that is?!

and lets not even go to the studs in my ears.


you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]