Thursday, November 1, 2007

happy halloween

hey people.. happy halloween!!!
before i launch right into what i did on halloween, i have to give you guys a little bit of fair warning that there would be things (not gruesome, of course) that would make your skin crawl.

really, these things can be burnt into your retina and engraved into your memory.. forever.

you ready?


you sure?








well.. here goes =)

we got dressed up and went trick or treating ;)
i guess its kinda obvious what most of us were but i'm gonna state it out here (according to my interpretations anyway)

james: pink nightmare from hell
me: costumeless
n: Micheal Jackson (?)
isaac: sluttilina
carolyn: slutty school girl
rach: avril(?)

before you all give me hell for not dressing up..

i didnt know we were gonna even go trick or treating. i went to the city with the intention of studying and i did for a while during the day with cn, james and zik until we (james, zik and i) headed over to UC. me on a skate board.

people, i skate..
..just not in the way you guys might think.

but anyway... back to Halloween.

a productive night.

and i promise i'll give you a blow by blow update later on when i am not allowed to procrastinate

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]