Sunday, November 11, 2007

making me believe the unbelievable

i havent updated (properly) in ages, and it seems like recently, it feels like thats all i've been saying; sorry.

last night buffy kept me up literally all night while i attempted to sleep so i've managed to develope massive exam-and-buffy related panda eyes.


i woke up this morning to zik which scared me half to death because i definately went to bed alone.

who in the world would let him into my room esp when i sleep _._._._._?!

apparently, my mum did -_-"

probably unknowingly.

washed up and headed to the living room to sleep even though the intention was to study.

grocery shopped for a while for sweets and 'mother' so that i could stay awake..

studied.. or tried to anyway.

zik just left.

i'm partially brain dead from too much psychology which refused to get into my head.

i kinda feel like an extremely overweight fat man has been trying to squeeze himself into the small brain capacity i have.

it obviously doesnt work.

you only end up with a headache from too much slamming..

.. and its not even the good kind!

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]