Sunday, November 11, 2007

destress me.

1. The phone rings,who do you want it to be?
any of the loved ones.. but recently.. kinda been wanting to hear from zanie ><

2.When shopping at the grocery store,do you return your cart?
i usually do..

3.In a social setting,are you more of a talker or listener?
depends on the crowd and how comfortable i am.. mostly talker :p

4.Do you take compliments well?
hell yea!

5.Do you play Sudoku?
once a day at least :p

6.If abandoned alone in the wilderness,would you survive?
i think i can :p

7.What song are you listening to?
'buffy eats a cucumber'-buffy productions

8.Did you ever go to a camp as a kid?
not really till i was 13.

9.What was your favourite game as a kid?
the dancing game! you know, at A&W they make you dance and vote who's the winner? :p that or musical chairs which i always lost at.

10.Are you a single?
nope ;)

11.Could you date someone with diff religious beliefs than you?
depends on the religion and how dedicated they are and expect me to be

12.Do you like to pursue or be pursued?

13.Use three words to describe yourself.
please dont ask me this.. just reminds me of the whole categorization of personality traits -_-"

err..does 'one complicated bitch' count?

14.Do any songs make you cry?
hahaha, 'far away' made me cry and it isnt some kinda secret code b/w me and anyone else!

there's this other song.. but for all the wrong reasons.

15.Are you continuing your education?

16.Do you know how to shoot a gun?
yea. but as to whether i can actually aim.. -_-"

17.If ur house was on fire,what would be the first thing that u'll grab?
whatever tht's valuable thats the closest! (phone, wallet, errr.. passport? :p)

18.How often do you read books?
before i go to bed.

19.Do you think more about the past,present or future?
'dont think about the past or the future, the present doesnt exist'

20.What is your favourite children's book?
Aladin! :p

21.What color are your eyes?
dark brown..

22.How tall are you?

23.Where is your dream house located?
no dreamhouse..

24.Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?

25.When was the last time you were at Oliva Garden?

26.Do you like mustard?
not really..

27.Do you prefer to sleep or eat?

28.Do you look like your mom and dad?

29.How long does it take you in the shower?
depends on the weather and my mood and whether i wanna wash my hair.

30.Can you do the splits?
i could when i did ballet.

31.What movie do you want to see right now?
'good luck chuck'

32.What did you do for New Year?
i was on a private MRT watching the fireworks above everyone else in the city.

33.Do you own a camera phone?

34.Was your mom a cheerleader?
pfft. as if.

35.How many hours of sleep do you get at night?
varies from 4-12 hours.

36.Do you like care bears?

37.What do you buy at the movies?
water. occasional popcorn. i love the caramel ones! :p

38.Do you know how to play poker?

39.Do you wear your seatbelt?

40.What do you wear to sleep?
as little as nothing to trackies and a jumper

41.Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
kl's kinda.. overrated.

42.How many meals do you eat a day?
today? maybe 2.5. the .5 was an egg

43.Do you always read frienster bulettins?
sometimes to get tags.

44.Do you like funny or serious people better?

45.Ever been to L.A.?
yes, my cousin lives there and i've been there a couple of times..

46.Did you eat a cookie today?

47.tag 3 people.
you, you, you.

i really dont care.

3 mins and my break is up.

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]