so today i went off to Doncaster with the family for a little bit of 'scouting'
*the tree looks damn barren, i'm sorry, it was taken mid decorating
scouting for things that people might want.
seeing that i've done most of mine, you would think that i got to sit back and relax..
but no.
i've got to look for something for
i sort of feel mean about giving her A birthday and christmas present but she was such a bitch about the price of the present that i dont know if i even should bother buying one for her- i mean, who takes out a calculator when they find out the price of the present, divide that price by 2 and then divides it again (because the present is from zeke and me) and then scoffs at the price and says, you're only spending THIS much on my christmas present?! jebus christ. come on! give me a bit of credit here..i bought you something from freaking swavroski and when i gave it to you, you freaking cried because you didnt want something so expensive and then you go and do THAT
i swear i just wanted to smack the bejebus out of her.
i thought maybe the coasters she liked but its so not personal and come on!its such a family present and not so much individual. meh. what do you get for the woman who raised you?cuff links? i dont know!! HELP!
on the bright side, i got a present for my bosses already so i can breathe easy there.
and i went back to look at those shoes that i saw and i decided that they were overrated.. what's not over rated are the BEAUTIFUL pair that i saw at (Zoe) Whittner's for $170. the irony, i held back from buying the $70 pair from Novo but ended up falling in love with a pair more expensive than the first. bejebus me!
i have decided that once i've saved ***** amount of money, i will reward myself to one of these:
- half eternity ring- diamonds in a princess cut
half eternity ring - diamonds in emerald cut
eternity ring in princess cut (small)
eternity ring in princess cut (medium)
*side note: who.. i didnt really notice the faint tan lines on the fourth finger until now O_o
also, i realize the diamonds are blurry-my hand was shaking! i cant wait to buy myself one of those babiess!!
♥ Lynn