Thursday, December 11, 2008

10 things i hate about you

10 things you wish you could say to 10 different people right now, don't mention names:
  1. i'm moving out. i'm not going to make the same mistake you did; i will say you.
  2. sometimes i wish things turned out differently..
  3. thank you for making an effort to be better
  4. leave him, he's no good for you
  5. put on some damn weight
  6. stop worrying about other people and concentrate on what YOU want for once.
  7. let me give you everything
  8. you werent good enough for him, i wish your life's miserable now that he's with me (bitch)
  9. you're an asshole and i hope you get arrested for it one day.
  10. i cant believe you were having sex at 12!
9 things about yourself:
  1. i hardly ever buy things on impulse
  2. i seem to never be able to save money
  3. i think i lie to myself more than i let myself believe
  4. i'm a big talker and a big fat chicken
  5. i want an anchor piercing next to my tattoo
  6. i want MORE tattoos
  7. i stayed a virgin till after 18 (i dont really understand why people find this hard to believe)
  8. i've found the one
  9. i have to sleep with a blanket even if its freaking hot.
8 ways to win my heart:
  1. need me as much as i need you
  2. call my bluff
  3. see me at my lowest and not run away
  4. help me overcome my insecurities
  5. bring me out on a nice first date
  6. romanticize me
  7. be a gentlemen
  8. stand up for me
7 things that cross your mind a lot:
  1. how do i tell him that i'm moving out
  2. where else can i find work
  3. how can i save more money
  4. should i buy those shoes?
  5. i wonder what is he up to now..
  6. did i turn off name random appliance
  7. should i buy that?
6 things I do before I fall asleep:
  1. shower
  2. drink water
  3. use the net
  4. move everything off my bed
  5. turn off the net
  6. try to remember if there are clean clothes to wear
5 people who mean a lot:
  1. isaac
  2. zaneta
  3. family
  4. loved ones (no, i wont specify who they are.. there are too many people who mean alot to me)
  5. the Hans
4 things I'm wearing right now:
  1. a robe
  2. glasses
  3. tragus ring
  4. ring
3 songs that you listen to often:
  1. 'hot n cold' katy pery
  2. 'poker face' lady gaga
  3. 'so what' pink
2 things you want to do before you die:
  1. get married
  2. have children
1 confession:
  1. i have had girl crushes before but was always too scared to take it a step further

♥ Lynn