Tuesday, December 2, 2008

slipping into oblivion

happy birthday roxy!

My little sister's growing up! she's got boobies now! (okay, embarassing.. umm) but seriously, she's- you are- an amazing little sister and although i dont show it often, i do appreciate you (at least until you hog the bathroom and i dont get to shower after work.. eee!) i love you yin :)

anyway, i spent the day out with my mother today ( we dont have any nice pictures :( ) and we headed out to zeke's place to pick up his ps3 controllers (he brought back his ps3 without the controllers-genious!) and then headed out for lunch at laksa king.

rasa malaya food is better!! god granted its further away from the city but desperate malaysians will travel the distance if they're desperate enough!!

i camwhored while my mother stared at me and while we waited for the food, discussed ex boyfriends

then we went over to visit max!!

max jumped on me and i fell flat on my arse!

my boy's so big now!!
but he still has a baby face ><
my heart broke a little when we had to put him back into his little cage - he kept trying to show us his sleeping area by going into it and coming out and looking at us and going in again- i think he wanted us to follow!
then after mum had to head over to the warehouse and we stopped at a kids store ware house for a bit where i bought this
mum dropped me off at melbourne central after so that i could get the train to work

i headed right to the pet store to look at the pets - bunnies
this little guy reminds me of buffy!~
then i headed to work and the day died there.

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]