Wednesday, October 24, 2007

bad luck day

i woke up this morning with a little help from Isaac for my 9.00am Australian Flora And Fauna Tutorial class.

yes, its the first time i actually went for my own tutorial instead of some other random person's class but anyway..

I did my customary 'rush, rush, RUSH' out of the house onto the train.

i always get to the train station just as my train pulls into the platform.

call it good timing and today was no different except that i didnt cap my bottle cover properly and my bloody bag got flooded

mother fucking chibai

cut me some slack!

if it werent for the two really sweet year 8 girls from Camberwell i might have had a minor frustration attack there.

i got to uni, a little frustrated but managed to not stab people with daggers from my eyes.

class class class class one right after the other until 1pm-ish..

when Zik and i were walking over to Union House for lunch Zik turns to me and asks if i capped his bottle back..



guys, lynn can be a real dumbass and when she is a dumbass (which is pretty much ALL the time) she fucks up like a goth wears bright pink neon pants.


dad flew off for kl today.

sometimes its like i dont even have a father around anymore.

even when he's here we dont talk.


as james always says..

we gotta make lemonade out of lemons =)

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]