Thursday, October 25, 2007

dumb ass day 2

i didnt cap my god damn fucker of a bottle ... again!

god damnit!



so, for the second day in a row, i got my really, really, really old and overused Country Road bag wet.


i went over to UC with the Buffster and took a nap with Zik.

for some reason, we've just been so tired lately and its not because we've been bopping..


anyway, nap turned into deep slumber.

food while we watched 'Big Bang Theory' and ended up being late for Aus Flora & Fauna/Philosophy that we just decided to fuck it.

Went for our Psych Tutorial and our Psych lecture tho before he sent me to the train station at Melbourne Central and we headed our separate ways.

and now.. i'mtrying to bully isaac into studying because i think its time that we stopped writing 'Slacker 101 : how to be a slacker in 1000 ways or more!'

wish me luck people :)

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]