Thursday, December 27, 2007

bound and broken

Boxing day : Wednesday ; 26th December

after not being able to sleep all night i though,"sleep be damned!", took a nice hot shower (as if i wasnt awake enough as i was then), had breakfast and headed out with Yin for our shopping spree.

we were in the city by 9.00am and i've never in my life seen so many people awake in the mornings shopping (being forced to the market with my mother in KL doesnt count) and the best part was all the shops were open at that time :)

i mean, yin and i know that the shops would be open but seeing it actually open at that time was like, whoa..mygod! followed by an OMIGODTHANKYOUGODFORTHISWONDERFULWONDERFULDAY

yin and i headed along Swanston scouting all the shops like eagles who havent had a meal in ages

shopped till about 12 when we got food and headed back to isaac's place which shall now be called my city escape, had some food and slept till about two before going for more shopping.

my arms and legs were aching like a damn bitch and i had to go to work.. and work was so damned busy it was not funny at all. i didnt even get to drink water till half an hour till closing time..

but on the bright side.. i got compliments from customers for being 'the nicest waitress' and for making the best deserts :D

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]