Monday, December 17, 2007

if something meant something then would it mean anything now?

waking up at 3 pm has its advantages..

.. and disadvantages.

for one thing.. i actually get to catch up on sleep.. but miss out on half my day even if i know i wouldnt have done anything productive if i did wake up early anyway.


now i'm so damn lethargic its not even fun anymore


lazing around in bed makes me feel so useless after working so much for the past 5 days.

suddenly monday and tuesday has become my saturday and sunday.

christmas is coming and i know i should start feeling a little festive but i just feel like taking a fork and stabbing all those damn christmas carolers around, chucking cd players and radios into a pond and wrapping up empty boxes as christmas presents.


i hate always going through the icky fucking mess of christmas shopping.


when you exchange gifts with someone, you'd feel bad if the gift you gave them is cheaper than the gift they gave you; not to mention that you also feel bad if it's the reverse.

"omigodddddddd!! a ps3!! i.. uh ... thanks ... i got you a bag of chips." before hastily adding "while you wait for the other half of your present..." or

"Oh wow! thanks.. a $2 photo frame!" before muttering under your breath that they're such a mother fucking cheapskate and start thinking if you can steal the present you gave them and get it refunded.

how many of us are guilty of 'organizing' our christmas presents?

if we calculate how much to spend on each person, doesnt that mean that we're basically putting a price on their worth or your love?

"how much is Tony worth? $50? $10?"

there's always the agonizing over what to get for your boyfriend/girlfriend

even more pressure when its the first christmas together or if they used to date someone who earns more than you and would buy extravagant gifts

"oh i thinks that guess watch would look nice on the boyfriend...oh what? its only how much? waaahh.. so cheap!"

while you sit there twiddling your thumbs thinking that its 435678765456 times of what you could make running about serving bastard customers who expect you to know that they're vegetarian when they dont bloody say so

and if you get them something cheap or make something at home, of course he or she would say, "you don't have to get me anything, or spend that much money on me..just as long as we can spend christmas together/you love me"

its sweet but doesnt that just sound a little like bullshit?

its my blog and i can be angsty if i want to

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]