Sunday, December 9, 2007

four weeks. four days.

i dont think i'd ever be the type of person who'd go out drinking often.

i'd go out wiith friends but drinking?


after last night and recovery (no hangover but since the damn alcohol ate so much of my stomach lining i was lying in catatonic stupors all of) today.. i got an sms from Rach (work Rach. i realize that there are now gonna be two james that i'd blog about and two rach's and two jeffs so until i find their last names out.. lets just agree on a (w) behind their names :p)

anyway, rach (w) msged and asked me to go for drinks tomorrow night with the other work mates. tempting but i dont think my stomach and body needs that.

i might just show up.. for the hell of it because rach (w) and james (w) will be heading overseas soon and i might not be able to catch up with them for a while.


dont you hate it when you sort of want to but know that you just shouldnt?

i actually should take some pictures and stuff like that the next time we go out for drinks (would probably be around next year or something like that when i get back from singapore)

hmm.. i wonder if i should blog from singapore when i'm actually down there :p

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]