Friday, August 24, 2007

needing warmth

first of all..

pictures from wednesday; kalus's birthday; that i owe you guys :)

one question..

what happens when you let a boy have your mobile phone for a while?

the answer :


then he started to get 'creative' with my bookmark..

which then distracted me from the biology lecture. HAH.

lunch at some thai restaurant with zik and cn..

then cn and i headed over to my place.. i got ready and then we headed over to her place.

this was what i decided to end up wearing to the PLC reunion..

i really couldnt really be bothered ..

..just dont ask cn how 'bothered' i was and how many times i changed in and out of tops..

while waiting for cn to get ready, i camwhored..


.. and again..

sometimes, its just really funny. you miss someone.. think of them.. and the next thing you know (give or take 5 mins of course), that person calls.


so then i spoke to zik on the phone for a while, urged him to go online and used cn's computer to talk to him before leaving for the PLC reunion.

cn drove over to plc and we were singing along to some old britney tunes

we arrived just about on time..


got bored..

i didnt even take many pictures.

i reckon that i started to have a bad face day so then i kinda dodged picture taking.


just make do with whatever you see down here :

you'll get more.. when people upload them onto their facebook and i steal them..

..and eventually left with vicky, fly and cn.

we headed over to camberwell, innitially coz fly or vicky wanted to see some guy named tony or sumething at sofias.

they missed him but we had cake and calamari that was so orgasmically chocolate-y and calamari that was so deliciously fatteningly sinful that they forgot all their disapointment in not being able to see tony.

so while we savoured the extra flab that we didnt really need, we talked about nipples, moles, lucky moles, and who was better looking - daniel or tony - and a few other topics that i might not have caught coz i was eyeing that boy right over..

hah. i wish!

no one's cute over there.

hell, the last last time we were all there, the old waiter/manager guy hit on me.

hello? hugging me and kissing my head? waay too close.


i think some people may still have pictures of me looking utterly terrified..

anyway, we paid and left.

sang 'big yellow taxi' and 'i'm blue' to the radio and before i knew it.. i was home..

thankfully, alive.

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]