Sunday, August 12, 2007

chocolates and marshmellows

1.have you ever lost your cell phone?
- every day i gotta use my house phone to try to locate my cell

2.Do you eat ice-cream even if it's raining?
- when its raining.. during winter.. i love it!

4.Do good things come to those who wait?
- not entirely true.. you gotta do something if you want results.. but if there's gotta be a waiting period then we all gotta respect that or we'd just screw the chances :)

5.If you have a time machine, do you travel to the future or past?
- i'd like to change some things in the past.. but i dont care if i really cant.. i've grown from the past.. all the bad experiences, bad relationships, self abuse, all that.. its made me who i am now..

6.Do you blast music in the car?
- nope.

7.How was your first time with that someone you love?
- "amazing"

8.Do you drink alcohol?
- uhhuh :D

9.Do you ask your friend's opinion before you buying something?
- sometimes, but they usually dnt change my opinion much

10.Have you ever whistled at a girl/boy before?
- i cant whistle..

11.Have you ever danced around in your room naked?
- oh yea...

12.Do you have a nickname for your sweetie?
- lets start with the basics.. zik, zak, zikkie zak (immitating baby talk from how to lost a guy in 10 days), sayang, moron (when i am annoyed/"annoyed" at him), baby (when i wanna annoy him), marshmellow :p

13.Would you ever audition for 'Malaysian Idol'?
- why not..

14.Can you wiggle your nose?
- badly. slowly. weirdly

15.Have you ever stolen someone else's sweetie?
- i dont believe in stealing but i do believe there could be better timings for things..

16.How do you end a phone call with someone you dislike?
- dont start it.

17.These past few days...
- i've been up and down.. but mostly up :D

18.(Have you/would you) ever throw a party when your parents aren't home?
- haha.. er.. define party?

19.Have you ever gotten back with an ex?
- lets see.. about 4 different exes and things are not better, they never are, the second time around.

20.Do you like gossip?
- sometimes.

21.Are you ticklish?
- hmm. if you rub me the right way

22.Do you miss someone at the moment?
- maybe..

23.Do you live for the moment or for the future?
- moment. the future might not come.

24.How often do you lie?
- too much.

25.Do you plan for your outfits?
- *picks something off the floor and sniffs it* ITS CLEAN!

26.Do you keep your sweetie's stuff after you break up?
- i chuck some out.. i burn some.. i keep some. i love teddy and 'the blue pig'

28.Should gay marriage be legal?
- why not?

29.Does shopping make you feel better?
- sometimes.. until i look at the sizes i have to get sometimes ><

30.Can a person be possessed by a devil?
- i was possessed by a spirit once.. which lasted a couple of weeks.

31.Have you ever made the first move?
- yea.. i tend to.. but sometimes i make things clear.. and they can act on it or not. if they dont.. then move on :)

32.Do you have scars?
- too many. the main ones? the ones on the knees from basketball, netball, cycling and falling down at the road side. two from jonathan chan on my arms. my netball operation scar. a few on my hands..

33.Do you think there's life on other planets?
- maybe.. dont really care

35.Do you like how you look in photos?
- *snort*

36.Haha or lol?
- haha

37.Are old friends better than new ones?
- old ones and new one are great.. its the ones that really stick around and bother and love you and accept you that are the ones that are better

38.Do you do your own laundry?
- yes

39.Do you have a crush?
- its a crush and then some..

40.Do you have something to say to that person?
- marshieeeeeee~

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]