Monday, August 6, 2007


1. Cookies could you eat at once?
too many :D

2. Times do you clean your room a year?
errr.. when there are guests coming and if i have too much time the night before. cleaning = shoving clothes into the cupboard so the guests can walk without stepping on bras and tops.

3. Times do you pee during the night?
i dont.

4. Times you bathe your pets in a year?
i dnt have a pet :(

5. Times you brush your teeth a day?
once or twice.. ish.

6. Meals you eat a day?
varies. alot. trust me on this. i have days where i just dont want to eat; so i dont. and days where i eat like tomorrow never comes.

7. Approximate pounds of chocolate you’ve consumed in your life?
err.. who keeps track of these things? but once again, too much.

8. Times do you cry a week?
the week before.. i think once.. within the last week.. quite a ffew times.. over stupid things. really stupid things.

9. Jeans that you own?
3. one with a major rip at the .. thigh.

10. Money in your wallet?
never enough

11. Times have you dyed your hair?
over 20 times. unhealthy. but my hair seems fine.

12. Hours of Tv do you watch a day?
i dont really watch much telly here.. unless they're movies

13. Sodas do you consume in a day?
i dont know.. depends on mood and sugar cravings

14. Sheep do you want on your farm?
what the hell? errr.. i wouldnt do well as a farm girl..

Do you believe in/support:

ghosts exist and scare me but sometimes i just dont care. we dont really care about each other. much.

dont know, dont care. unless they wanna kill us like in that gay ass tom cruise movie.

yea. i do. if i had a kid now, i would abort. i mean, yea, not really that .. responsible to have a kid at this age.. what life could i provide for the kid? it would be even more unethical to bring a kid into the world only to have the kid live a shit life. its waaaaay too early in my life for a kid. i am not even 19 yet!

not superstitious.. but think its fun to read horoscopes :D

-_-" my sister has more wrinkles than i do. i dont think i need to think about it for a while.. but some wrinkles can be somewhat comforting. my grandfather had wrinkles and crinkles around his eyes and mouth and i loved them. he smiled and laughed alot.. anyway, i dont really care. if people had the money and wanna make their facial muscles retarded..

Plastic surgery?
i would get it done so obviously, i am not against it. if i had the money and could be bothered. XD

i believe there is a god. i believe that we dont need a religion for us to be the best of ourselves

The bible?
i read it. i studied it. i memorized versus while growing up. they have good guidelines. they have nice stories.

i am not ms. confident. i am ms. insecure. and its something i gotta change.

yes, if the right one comes along.

better than to self torture.. and 'stay for the kids'. come on.. its better to just stay clear of each other's way than to stay together and let ur kids witness all the fights and the.. you get what i mean :) but i do believe that this has to really be thought through. i know i know, i usually walk away from problems.. but i guess.. someone showed me differently.

IF IF IF……….

1. If you could go back to any age, what age would it be?
i dont really know.. different ages, different pros :D

2. If you met an alien he’d look like
in the movies!!

3. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
love. happ9iness. sufficient money (but there never will be enough)

4. If you were up for sale, your ad description would say?
unpredictable. needs lots of love.

which one are you?

1. You are a city OR country person?
a little of both..

2. You think more with Passion OR Logic?
passion. my flaw.

3. You’d rather die with your love by your side, OR without them?
well.. its romantic if you're dying in their arms after being shot.. i;d like to die with the guy by my side (but not if he gets klled as well) but i dont want the guy to be affected so... it looks like i mgiht die alone.

4. You’d rather drink Milk OR juice?

5. You're a Cat OR dog person?

6. Smoothies OR Milkshakes?

7. Night Owl OR Day Bird?

8. Chocolate Cake OR Apple Pie?
depends on mood

9. Alternative rock OR 70s Disco Music?

10. Do you like your mate to be skinny winy or have a little chunk?
umm.. zik is skinny winy :p

11. Rather get quilled by a porqupine OR stung by a jelly fish?
depends on where and wat kinda jelly fish.

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]