Monday, August 27, 2007

now that its over..

i have a two hour break and i know i said that i would do work but i maintain that i am gonna enjoy the first hour then work later. ugh. and i really dont know what to update about and just feel like wasting time and doing tags so just endure this. the whole post is gonna be tags.

ahh.. i like having a little colour back into my blog.

it was so boring without colour, no?

1. Do you like chinese food?
* :)

2. How big is your bed?
* single sized

3. Is your room clean?
* hah. is my sister sane?

4. Laptop or Desktop computer?
* imac and laptop. i have both.

5. Favorite comedian?
* i really dont watch/listen to comedians..

6. Do you smoke?
* used to..

7. Does anyone like you?
* i'd like to think that people find me likable enough and that my close friends love me :p

8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice?
* confidence. authority.

10. Sleep with or without clothes on?
* minimal to nothing.

11. Who sleeps with you every night?
* i sleep by myself..

12. Do long distance relationships work?
* sometimes..

13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police?
* never.

14. Pancakes or French Toast?
* both?

15. Do you like coffee?
* sometimes.. i usedto actually hate coffee after drinking too much when i was 8. then i didnt touch it again till i was 16!

16. How do you like your eggs?
* unfertilized.

17. Do you believe in astrology?
* nope.

18. Last person you talked to on the phone?
* zaneta :) oh wait.. zik called me this morning -_-"

19. Last person on your missed call list?
* zik

20. What was the last text message you received?
* " hey lynn, something i wanna tell you regarding your frustrations and everything, "the best things in life find us in the oddest of places" " - james

21. McDonalds or Burger King?
* depends on my mood..

22. Number of pillows?
* 2 big ones and one decorative one that always ends up on the floor

23. Last thing you ate?
* curry chicken from zik's lunch

24. Last thing you bought?
* errr.. i still havent bought anything since MB on saturday

25. What are you hearing right now?
* i'm in the computer room.. i hear morons typing.

26. Pick a lyric?
* "when the sun shines we'll shine together" :p

27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
* i dont get it.. keep my jelly off my sandwich!

28. Can you play pool?
* horribly

29. Do you know how to swim?
* yes. how do you think i got my scuba diving license?!

30. Favorite ice cream?
* Baskin31- old fashion butter peacan

31. Do you like maps?
* what kinda question is this?

32. Tell me a random fact:
* i'm not wearing black panties.

33. Ever had a hard on at work?
* girls dont get hard ons :) we get wet ;)

34. Ever attend a theme party?
* yeap. :D

35. Ever do a leg stand?
* ??

36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking?
* on the bed that i puked on after the sheets were changed while two drunk guys slept on either side of me and i woke up in the middle of the night freaking out.

37. What is your favorite season?
* now. end winter come spring ish?

38. What is the first music video you ever saw?
* something by britney spears

39. Pick a movie quote:
* "mine.. mine!"

40. Favorite quote:
* there are heaps of great quotes..

41. What is your favorite hangout?
* hahaha.. i tend to be at uc alot.

44. Last time you laughed at something stupid?
* just now. something zik did.

45. What time did you wake up this morning?
* 9.00am. hah. train at 9.18am :S

46. Wake up next to anyone?
* if i sleep alone.. i wake up alone. DUUUH

47. Best thing about winter?
* sitting in front of my fireplace where its warm with my blanket and a good book

48. Name a couple of favorite colors:
* black. and this shade of blue/green that i swear doesnt really have a name

49. How old are you?
* 18.. going on 19. soon.

50. What month is your birthday in?
* september.. its coming people!

51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated?
* PotC was nice.. peanut! my peanut!

52. What are you doing this weekend?
* saturday : study at the library. sunday : zik normally comes over..

53. Who will take this survey?
* anyone bored like me.


1)Are you a male or female?

2)What are you doing now?
wasting time

3)Pick your favorite number from 1 to 10

4)Who are you talking to on Messengers?
not on msn

5)What did you eat for dinner?
good question.. what DID i have for dinner. oh wait. i had won tons.

6)What music are you listening to right now?
not listening to anything

7)Where are you now?
university computer room

8)What do you wanna eat right now?
not hungry..

9)Where were you 4 hours ago?
copland theatre. lecture

10)You wont leave home without?
phone. wallet

11)Do you have someone(s) you hate?
dont hate.. disagree with what they're doing, yes. but dont hate.. coz people can change. i know :)

12)Does your room have air-con?
no :(

13)When did you last cried?
saturday -_-"

14)Whats the the most memorable thing you have in ur room?
my box.

15)Whats the most useful thing in your room?
the bed?

16)The most amount of cash you had with you ever is?

17)Do you Gamble?
for fun

18)Do you smoke?
used to..

19)What chocolate you like?
mb.. guylian. the swiss chocolate that i cant remember..

20)Do you Blog?
i think you guys would know the answer to this :)


1.Your name plus "o" ?

2. Two feelings at the moment ?
~aware, itchy

3. What are you listening to right now?
~i answered this twice

4.A part of a song lyric that's in your mind right now?
~atm its "honey why're you calling me so late.. its kinda hard to talk right now"- lips of an angel

5. Describe where you are right now ?
~ sitting up at the computer lab..

6. What is your highlight of the week ?
~ it just started..

7. What are you craving to have right now?

8. Any unforgettable childhood memory ?
~ uhhuh.. *cough* ithoughtiwastinkerbellandtriedtowalkonalilypadandendedupfallingintoapondatbutterflyfarm *cough*

9. A not-so-good childhood memory ?
~trying to jump out of my window. 2nd floor.

10. What are your nicknames?
~ there are heapsssss. chochie, chocolaty, lynniepoo, tiger, bitch, yan, lynnie, sweetie, sweetheart, mine, dai kar cherrr

11. Your plans for tomorrow ?
~ go over to zik's at 9.00am. lecture at 2.15. tute at 4.15. lecture at 5.15. home.

12. Your two plans for today ?
~ talk to zaneta online later. study some bio and chem

13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
~ now that you asked..

14. Do you party ?
~ hardly ever now.

15. Do you like twins ?
~ sometimes..

16. Fill in the blank "I am ..
~ gonna fart. not really

18. Say anything you like to say to whoever is reading this
~ wow.. you made it this far O_o

19. Are you feeling hungry ?
~ no

20. Who do you miss ryt now ?
~ the loved ones. the loved one.

21. Last friend you saw online ?
~ james. last night

22. Are you in love?
~ yes. and its the best feeling.

23. What do you like about night ?
~ coz i live away from the city.. how peaceful it is.

24.If you were in a farm, what do you want to see ?
~ anything that doesnt stink, doesnt bite, wont kill me.

25. Last person who gave a testimonial to you ?

26. Did you like it ?
~ no feeling.

27. Do you play an instrument ? What instrument ?
~ used to play the piano.

28. What song did u last hear ?
~ 'stupid cupid'

now.. i shall do some studying. hah! wish me luck ;) and no distractions

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]