Wednesday, August 15, 2007

tears in heaven

it sucks ass to be sick.

i've used up a box of tissues.. a box, i kid you not. and its only been two nights.


someone come pamper me silly.

anyway, i camwhored today on the way to uni..

..thinking it was just another day..

but no,

it never is quite normal whenever we think it.. (jinxed it?)

it was naked day.

yes, you read it right.


those bodies in the front are naked. some girls were wearing panties but..

imagine this with me.

quiet drooning chemistry class.. and then suddenly, we get an "oh fuck guys, i think we're late" warning before naked boys and girls parade down from the back entrance down the steps to the front of the lecture theatre.

this didnt happen once, not once, but twice.

so twice i was 'greeted' by peckers of various sizes staring me side on and thank god that i didnt get the full view coz zik got the aisle seat ><

lucky zik.

anyway, i prefered them the second time around coz we actually got a strip tease from four yummilicious sailor boys.

class went on as per normal, meaning, boring x 110 except that the guy sitting on my other side decided to open up a condom and get his, i presume, girlfriend to use her mouth to put the condom on him blow it and tie it up.

anway, psyc lecture was uneventful and i went shopping with see ann after that..

and yes, i tried a dress :)

okay okay, its a shapeless shift dress but i kinda liked it anyway. i wanted to get the silver but i just couldnt be bothered in the end..

.. ahh, who am i kidding?

anyone who knows me know i dont like wearing dresses or skirts and would hardly ever step out of the house in a mini skirt or mini anything for that matter.

headed over to ash' after and we just talked and kinda.. yea.. more of i was venting a little to her and she was just playing the guitar and adding little comments here and there..

.. but i guess, sometimes, we really cant rely on others too much, can we?

its not fair, neither is it right, for me to expect her to be there for me all the time everytime i get into shit..

.. which is quite often.

i mean, i cant expect people to always be there and stuff.. i did play a role in this drama..

and i need to face the music.. to an extend.. but i guess.. i dont know..

i feel like i've been doing everything wrong.

have i?

fly popped in.

'nuff said.

finished watching american pie for the first time in my life..


they actually had a love plot.

its not all just mindless sex.

travelled home.

on the way home.. while nursing my nose.. this woman got on and sat next to me..

i know she'll never read this but :

hey mrs _____,
i'm the girl sitting next to you on the train with the 'dont trust girls' hoodie on the train, you know the one you were talking to after receiving that phone call? i'm sorry about what happened to georgia. i agree, its not fair that these things happen to children. i just wanted to say that everything would be alright.. i am not going to lie and say things that i dont know, i do know this; its not going to be an easy journey but i know you'll make it through. you, your husband, and georgia.. especially georgia, will make it through.
your little angel will not be far from my thoughts.. i hope the surgery/surgeries went well.. get better soon :)
the girl who wishes she could do more.

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]