Friday, August 17, 2007


sometimes its really not what we say that matters.. its what we dont say.

its ok when we remove ourselves.. its when we are removed that we resent detachment.

no, i am not emo.

i just have a couple of things on my mind that i dont know how to say that i guess sometimes its just easier to say it here.

i dont have weekend plans (for possibly the first weekend in a long time) and i dont know what to do with it!

yes, yes, tomorrow's suppose to be family time but i think the most we'd do is just to watch a movie together at night.

that means i get some me time.

i might actually get to catch up on sleep (i hope)

and i wonder if i'd get bored enough to clear up my whole room, study, put up my new poster (oh yes, i got a poster..)


oh god, sometimes i really feel like such a tool!

come on.. can my room be any more.. 'rojak-ed'?!

an antique wardrobe, bookshelf and dresser, a contemporary study table that has an imac and a lap top topped up with a set of kick ass speakers (yea, yea, i dont do any studying there..) a bed with a simple looking side table (i reckon this is the most normal looking part of the room) part of my wall filled with some pictures of the loved ones ( awwwww ..! *rolls eyes* ) not to mention that my dresser is filled with jewelry, jewelry, jewelry and more jewelry.. and oh, yes, makeup which i never use.

and now i have that kiss poster to add to my 'parental advisory' one.


if anyone walked into my room.. they'd think that i suffer from multiple personalities.

and i wont blame them.

oh fuck.

my head isnt here anymore.

i'd like to think that normally i'd be able to write an understandable blog post.. and now, i fail to do just that.

there goes my form of theraphy.. along with the rest of my sanity, or whats left of it anyway.


"when the music fades,

all is stripped away,

and i simply come

longing just to bring

something thats of worth"

you know you love me

[ l y n n d u l g e n c e p r o d u c t i o n s ]